Ethiopia is known to be the birth place for coffee. Coffee grown in Ethiopia is known all over the world for its excellent quality and flavor. Today, Ethiopia stands as the biggest coffee producer and exporter in Africa and amongst the leading in the world.

The Ethiopian coffee is processed in two ways:

  • WASHED Processing: washed coffee usually tends to have a clarity of flavor and aroma that is often lacking in natural coffees. Many cuppers assert it is easier to taste the influence of soil and varietal in washed coffee.
  • SUNDRIED (NATURAL) Processing: as a result of prolonged and sun-fueled contact with the cherry’s own natural sugar, sun-dried natural coffees have a sweet, fruity character with a creamy mouth feel, the best, most-carefully cared-for-sun-dried natural coffees can have intense berry flavors, tropical fruit aromatics, and chocolaty undertones.

Coffee Varieties


  • Sidamo coffee has a medium size bean, greenish-grayish in color.
  • Sidamo washed coffee, known for its balanced taste and good flavor is called sweet coffee and has medium acidity and body.
  • Sidamo coffee is produced in the southern part of the country. It is always blended for gourmet or specialty coffee.
  • The strength of Sidamo coffee lies in its variety. There are many different grades of both wash & sun-dried coffee.


  • Yirgacheffe coffee has an intense flavor known as Flora.
  • The washed Yirgacheffe is one of the best highlands grown coffees.
  • It had moderate acidity and rich body. Many roasters are attracted to its delicate fine flavor and are willing to pay a premium for it.
  • Yirgacheffe coffee also has variety from both wash and sun-dried coffee.


  • Jimma also spelled as “Djimmah” covers Ethiopia’s largest basket of coffee.
  • which included all unwashed coffee produced in the southwestern region of Ethiopia.
  • The are has a multitude of different indigenous varieties that can be quite diverse in quality.


  • Harrar coffee is produced in the eastern highlands.
  • The bean is medium in size, with a greenish-yellowish color.
  • It has a medium acidity and full body and a distinct mocha flavor.
  • It is one of the highest premium coffees in the world.


  • Limu coffee grows in the southwestof Ethiopia between 3,600 and 6200feet.
  • Limu coffee (usually washed) generally has a milder acidity than Sidama & Yirgacheffe.
  • The flavor is usually characterized by a balanced and clean cup.

Wolega & Nekempti

  • Nekempti also known as Lekempti is a region located within the state of Wellega.
  • Originally lekemti is a sundried natural bean produced in western Ethiopia.
  • The coffee is known for its large bean size and fruity has a greenish- brownish color, with moderate acidity and body.
  • Many roasters put this flavor in their blends, but it can also be sold as an original gourmet or special origin flavor.

Some other varieties which also have unique flavor and aroma are:

  • Bonga
  • Tepi
  • Bebeka
  • Gujj
  • Yeki
  • Godere
  • Anderacha
  • Kaffa