

The desi variety, is known for its small bean size and sark color; it is grown across the northern and central highlands of Ethiopia and accounts for 90% of total chickpea production in the country.

Physical and chemical specification:

  • Purity: 98% – 99%
  • Damaged: 2% max
  • Foreign matter: 1% max
  • Split: 1% max
  • Moisture: 14% max
  • Color sorter: optional
  • Fumigation: done prior to shipment
  • Free from live and dead weevils


The Kabuli chickpea is lighter in color and larger in size than Desi chickpea. It is grown in the central midlands of Ethiopia, adjacent to the Rift Valley.

Physical and chemical specification:

  • Purity: 98% – 99%
  • Moisture: 13%max
  • Fumigation: done prior to shipment
  • Damage: 2% max
  • Foreign matter: 2% max
  • Color- natural color appearance
  • Size: 5-7MM
  • Color sorter: optional
  • Free from alive or dead weevils

White pea beans

White pea beans are widely cultivated in the northern and central Ethiopia, but because they are not consumed locally, more than 90% of the white Haricot Bean harvest makes its way to export.

Physical and chemical specification:

  • Purity: 98% – 99%
  • Moisture: 14% max
  • Foreign matter: 0.5% max
  • Damage: 1% max
  • Color sorter: optional
  • Fumigation: done before shipment
  • Free from dead and live weevils

Speckled Bean

The speckled beans are commonly consumed in the Ethiopian cuisine. The speckled variety is known for its colorful beans, it is grown in the northern and central Ethiopia.

Physical and chemical specification:

  • Purity: 98% – 99%
  • Moisture: 14% max
  • Foreign matter: 0.5% max
  • Damage: 2% max
  • Color sorter: optional
  • Fumigation: done before shipment
  • Size: diameter 10.5mm minimum
  • Free from dead and live weevils

Red Kidney bean

Red kidney bean is commonly consumed in the Ethiopian cuisine. The red variety – the highest demand which comes from across East Africa- grows primarily along the Rift Valley in southern Ethiopia.

Physical and chemical specification:

  • Purity: 98% – 99%
  • Moisture: 10% max
  • Foreign matter: 1% max
  • Damage: 1% max
  • Color sorter: optional
  • Fumigation: done before shipment
  • Free from dead and live weevils

Fava bean

The broad bean has high plant hardiness; it can withstand rough climates, and in this case, cold ones. Unlike most legumes, the broad bean can be grown in soils with high salinity, as well as in clay soil. However, it does prefer to grow in rich loams.

Physical and chemical specification:

  • Purity: 98% – 99%
  • Moisture: 10% – 12% max
  • Foreign matter: 0.5% max
  • Damage: 2% max
  • Color sorter: optional
  • Fumigation: done before shipment
  • Free from dead and live weevils


Soybean production presents opportunities for both human and livestock consumption. Local tastes and preferences are creating demand for a diversified portfolio of soybean production, at the same time the growing livestock, sector creates an unmet demand for soybean cake as high-protein input into animal feed.

Physical and chemical specification:

  • Protein: 35% max
  • Oil content: 18% – 19%
  • Purity: 98% – 99%
  • Moisture: 14% max
  • Foreign matter: 1% max
  • Damage: 2% max
  • Color sorter: optional
  • Fumigation: done before shipment
  • Free from dead and live weevils

Green mung Bean

Mung beans are small, ovoid (and sometimes cylindrical) in shape with a bright green skin. They have green skin hence they are also called green beans. The ECX Mung bean contract classifies the bean in to two varieties by production area. These are: Green Mung Bean Shoa and Green Mung Bean Asossa type.

Physical and chemical specification:

  • Purity: 98% – 99%
  • Moisture: 12% max
  • Foreign matter: 1% max
  • Damage: 2% max
  • Color sorter: optional
  • Fumigation: done before shipment
  • Free from dead and live weevils


White lupin is one of the four widely known, commercially important, large seeded, annual lupin species in the world. The white lupin in Ethiopia is locally known as Gibto. It is produced by small holder subsistent farmers in two regional states of Ethiopia; Amhara and Benishangul Gumuz, the former being the largest producer. Ethiopian lupin is bitter tasting and it is used increasingly to produce foods such as gluten-free bakery produces and pasta, as well as diet products for people with milk protein allergies. Lupin seeds or beans are also consumed as snacks in some European and North African countries. Depending on the botanical species and geographical origin of the lupins, their seeds can contain bitter quinolizidine alkaloids.

Physical and chemical specification:

  • Purity: 98% – 99 %
  • Moisture:13%
  • Size: 6-7 mm
  • Damage: 1.5%
  • Foreign matter: 2% max
  • Color sorter: optional
  • Fumigation: done before shipment
  • Free from dead and live weevils